Oct 3, 2022 | Business Differentiator, Business Growth, Business Plan, business strategy, Business Vision, news, Professional Development Planning
One of the most important things every business should have is a differentiator. Every successful business has at least one of them. As you know, a differentiator is something that sets you apart from the competition. It’s one thing they don’t have. One thing that’s...
May 3, 2022 | Business Coaching, Business Mentoring, business strategy, Overwhelmed, Personal Growth, Stress Management, Succession Planning, Team Alignment, Time Management
Business owners often come to me complaining they are not making the professional progression they had hoped for and these are the most common areas of frustration: – I’m overwhelmed, stressed, not sleeping and afraid of burn out. My Team is not aligned. I’m not...
Apr 5, 2022 | Business Plan, business strategy, news
First, I hope you and your family and friends are keeping safe and well. The pandemic has had a significant and lasting effect on many people and of course many businesses. As most countries are now administrating the vaccine, whilst Covid is here to stay, lockdowns...
Feb 17, 2022 | Accountability, Business Growth, Business Plan, business strategy, Business Vision, Succession Planning, Team Alignment, Tips
Do you dread the thought of exiting your business? Have you, like so many business owners, failed to develop an exit plan because you are too busy? Chances are you probably haven’t given it much thought. This is a huge mistake and will cost you dearly if you want to...
Nov 25, 2021 | Accountability, Business Coaching, Business Growth, business strategy, Business Vision, Entrepreneurial Skills, Financials, Mentoring, Mindset, Performance, Professional Development Planning, Profit & Loss, Tips
One of the biggest challenges that I find when working with my business clients is the ability to measure success and growth in a meaningful ongoing way. You can bring your business into alignment by following my 8-step checkpoint process to stay consistently calm...
Feb 4, 2019 | Business Coaching, business strategy, Entrepreneurial Life Coaching, Entrepreneurial Skills, Mentoring, Mindset, Professional Development Planning, Stress Management, Time Management, Tips, Work Life Balance
SME owners have to manage everything, from the hiring and managing of employees to finding new clients, to planning the business strategies for the company. But is there a more efficient way? “I just haven’t got the time.” Does that sound...